A quick Update:
We opened a new Etsy shop recently, Recycled Parts 4 Art was getting too full and the categories were starting to get muddled so we thought it might be fun to have another one just for our Fiber related things. So check out "shop At The Little House" . You will find Yarns, Trims, Fabric, notions, sewing related anything and soon to have Beads! Old and new will be in here as well as some hand-created by me items. I hope you will check it out!
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Saw an interesting thing recently. It's just a simple crochet circle and it holds both ends of an elastic Face Mask. Keeps the elastic from cutting into the back of the ears. I jotted down some basic info so you could make some if you so desire. Circle Pattern for Ear Protectors Here We do carry One inch buttons but I like the One and 1/8" for the circles. You only need ONE button so that is nice too. You can find them in my Etsy Shop.
Hi guys, I'm back with yet another project for you for our precious caregivers AND anyone that has to wear a mask for long periods of time. The mask wearers are getting some serious wounds behind their ears from prolonged wearing of the mask! I had a box of buttons listed on FB Marketplace and a woman reached out and asked if I would be willing to donate some to her because she is making headbands for the hospital staff in my area. Her name is Donna and you can find her at Yards of Yarns Designs Ok, so they are not the type of headband you think of when I say that word, they actually go across the back of the head and are used to keep the elastic from the mask from digging into the back of their ears. I am told that the mask wearers are SUPER GRATEFUL for these bands! So you don't sew, but maybe you crochet and I bet you could knit one of these too! The pattern is simple city and you can download it right here! Thank you for being here and thank you for supporting our Caregivers!
Jeri Hi friends,
I have been BUSY! Sewing #heartsforcaregivers by night, and now I'm making masks by day. My goal is to make enough for the senior low income housing in my area. Seems that it's been recommended that we all wear them when we go out and I would think even more so for the elderly. I'm totally ON Board with this, anything to reduce the chance of getting sick and passing germs along to others. I am a sewer, I quilted for years and years so I have a big stash, some of which I have been selling off in my Etsy Shop and the rest, well, I'm just itching to use it up. I looked online for a Face Mask pattern and none of them were exactly what I wanted. Isn't that always the way? So I decided to fool around and after looking on my local Health care web site I came up with one. It has a pocket on the wrong side so you can slip a liner in it, it has a nose guard and I mean wire inside so it bends to your nose and you can create it with elastic OR with straps/strings. Sounds good? Oh and it's made with ONE piece of fabric. I feel like it's really easy to make, I hope you do too. Won't you take a look? And SHARE if you like the pattern! Face Mask YouTube Video Thanks for being here! Stay Safe, Jeri Hey friends, Just wanted to share that I brought my first collection of pins to my primary doctors office and the ladies there were very thankful. It made me so happy to know that in some small way I was able to let them know that we are so grateful for their service. ![]() I created a note to enclose with the pins when you give them out, explaining what we are doing. If you want to download that, it would make me very happy! And I also made labels for the back of the pins for contact purposes. ![]() I have created over 300 pins already! I do about 50 a night and I am now mostly working on them in the evenings. I might make some masks now too and looking for a good, easy pattern if anyone has one that they love, let me know in the comments below please. If you're wondering how/where to get the pins delivered I have a few ideas:
*Pharmacies *Your primary doctors office *The post office *Nursing Homes *Hospice workers *Call your local church, mine has an email system in place and has been listing all the people that need prayer and that are on the front lines of this thing. Perfect place to start! *Of course if you have any nurse friends, contact them If you have any questions, please leave a comment, message me on IG or email me. I don't know how you're keeping busy these days while our world is being turned upside down... I've been on the move, going from one project to another and in between I take breaks and look at art online. My fav place to go is Instagram, you can sit and scroll for 5 minutes and see alot of very beautiful art! Let me get to the point. ![]() I was scrolling along and what do I see but these adorable little pins, hand stitched with hearts on them, 4 of them in one photo. I stopped to read underneath and see that this person, Shelly Sazama, and she goes by @bekind_havefun on Instagram (you'll want to follow her!) created the pins. She mentions that she was thinking, wouldn't it be nice to give them to someone that is taking care of the people that are sick, or the elderly. Even the people stocking our shelves at the grocery store are at risk and, or or or.... You get the idea. There are so many people out there at this very moment that are putting themselves in the line of fire, For Us. Why not let them know we appreciate them and that we are thankful for them! I will be coming out of hiding to make a YouTube video showing how to make these, later today, and when I do I'll come back and link to it here. You can certainly improvise, just made sure there is a HEART on them. Stitch them, glue them, whatever it takes, whatever supplies you have at home, use. If your pins are smaller or larger than mine, adjust accordingly. Use the hashtag #heartsforcaregivers please. I made little cards to put the pins on so people know what the meaning behind them is. You don't have to do that, you can write something out on an index card instead. If you like mine and want to use them, that would make me happy, and I have created a pdf for you to print them out. You will get 6 to a page and I printed mine out on cardstock. I used different colors too, it's what I have on hand and I thought they looked cheery. Be careful when you cut them apart, you want to get as close to the top so that you can use a regular hole punch to make your holes. You will know what I mean when you go to punch the holes. I'm using 1.5 inch size safety pins and I put my holes, centered at 1.25 inch in from the side edge of the card. My cards are a little wider than I had planned but I like the way they look with the verse on the bottom so I left them as is. I am also using a hole template so I don't have to measure side to side each time. Update: Smaller set of cards (2.85"wide x 3.5 long) Plain card without scripture verse on the bottom (2.85" x 3.5" long) Wider card (3.5" x 3.5") If you want to enclose a note in your #heartsforcaregivers goodie bags, I would be happy if you used mine. I left the bottom blank for you to add your contact info if you so desire. Please spread the word, Share and Copy! If you have no clue how to get your pins distributed, contact me. And now I leave you with this thought... "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let NOT your hearts be troubled; Do NOT be afraid". Have a blessed day full of love and recycled art my friends, Jeri Hello friends, It's been a weird week and I've been laying lo. My emotions are all over the place and I wonder if yours are too? I find myself looking out the window at my birds for hours on end. They come and go, so unaware of what's going on in our world. Lucky birds. I'm not one to watch a lot of TV, read the news or engage in debates on social media. If you asked me what is going on, I could not give you an accurate answer. All I know is what I see, frightened people buying up everything and hoarding toilet tissue. Gosh, no wonder so many of us are anxious and fearful. So I ask you, what do you do to center yourself and keep the anxiety at bay? I watch my birds and think about how God provides for them. "Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." My business is selling goods and services online which at this time is a blessing although we've already seen a decline in sales. My heart breaks for all the small brick and mortar shops that have had to close and are worried about how they will feed their family. Whenever you can I urge you to support them. They have rent, utility bills and more.
You don't always have to make a purchase, you can tell a friend, share a review, send a note. So please, if you have a minute, tell me, what are you doing for YOU? Self care is so important, especially now. I'm going to get back to watching my birds. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate you and so thankful you are here! Hugs and wishing you a great day full of peace, love and recycled art, Jeri Spring is just around the corner! Make your own Seed Pots from Recycled NewsprintHello Everyone! I’ve been thinking it might be fun to drop my thoughts here along with some inspiration and a few How To's. I'm not exactly sure at this moment how often I'll show up here, so maybe you want to subscribe so you don't miss anything earth shattering. You can do that on the right side of the screen, where it says "Enter Your Email Address" OR you can check back when you're bored! -------- On to the seed pots! So last year I was really into my garden and of course since I love to recycle I decided to make my own seed pots and DIRT and start a garden from SCRATCH! Yup, I bought the lights, the seeds and had at it. OH MY GOSH! It was fun! I even made a gardening journal. Wait for it.... You can see how I created this cutie on my YouTube Channel. And now the Dirt! To see how I made the recycled seed pots from newspaper Thanks for stopping by and please leave a comment if you know how...
I would appreciate it! Jeri My First Blog PostOh my gosh! I’m so excited… my dream is becoming a reality! I’ve been collecting bits and bobs, old, tattered and torn, rusty and amazing stuff, (I refuse to call it J.U.N.K!) LOL! for years and have been wanting to have an online business and share all my wonderful goodness with other creatives!
I mean how much should one person hoard?! As far back as I can remember I’ve been in love with old stuff, little bits of history, brown and stained, full of crusty beautiful texture. Papers, fabrics, broken jewelry, metal hinges, handles, metal who knows what… Odds and ends screaming to be transformed into something new, Recycle. Restoration. Re-use. Repurpose. Re-create! C’mon, I can’t help all the exclamation points, I am hyped!! I hope you will join me in this new adventure where I’ll be sharing my ideas of what to do with some of the amazing things I have been stockpiling… I sell recycled supplies so that YOU too can join in on the fun and create one-of-a-kind mixed media art. Or... maybe restore something precious from an ancestor OR decorate your home... OR maybe you just want to own a piece of MY ART that has been created with some fun and unique oddities. So the first thing you want to do is sign up to my Newsletter, and this blog. Then maybe you want to visit my Etsy Shop where you can find some really cool parts and pieces to create your own amazing stuff! OK, I’ll end my very first blog post with a HUGE warm Welcome and a BIG FAT Thank You for joining me in this new adventure! Until next time, I hope you have a blessed day full of love and recycled art! ox hugs, Jeri |
Recycling JunkLover of Old, Worn, Tattered and Rusty bits of history... Sharing Stories, How-Tos and Who Knows what!
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